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5 Trends That Will Shape DevOps In 2023

February 23, 2023 No Comments

by Eisele Candace

Building, testing, and maintaining software is a massive process. It’s no longer confined to your local machine, it spans multiple servers and cloud providers. Getting everything in a system to work simultaneously can be challenging. In fact, almost 63 percent of respondents (1046 IT operations, DevOps, and SRE specialists) to the Transposit’s 2022 State of DevOps Automation survey reported an increase in service incidents that affected their customers. Such incidents aren’t only becoming more frequent but also more complex to solve quickly.

You will most likely have to constantly improve your DevOps and IT operations approach to successfully deliver your services and keep customers satisfied. This blog post will focus on the new developments in DevOps expected to come in 2023. In particular, we’re going to examine five major DevOps trends.

How the DevOps methodology was changing over the years

It took some time for the DevOps concept to become popular and gain traction among developers and engineers. In fact, it wasn’t until 2012 that IT professionals started seriously talking about DevOps as a way to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase product quality.

Over time, major companies like Google and Amazon have adopted DevOps practices and transformed their business processes accordingly so they could stay competitive in global markets. The same thing happened with small businesses — they also started to adopt DevOps practices to better compete with larger companies.

Referring to Statista, in 2022, 47 percent out of 4,294 surveyed IT professionals have implemented the DevOps method in their daily software development practices. Plus, the same study revealed that DevOps is the most widely adopted methodology even in comparison to Scrum techniques. Find out more about the use of DevOps at professional software development companies by exploring Yalanti’s expertise.

Let’s now discover what trends are going to shape the near future of DevOps.

Trend #1. Automation

DevOps teams make use of automation to deploy updates faster and with fewer errors. It makes your CI/CD pipeline more predictable and reliable, improving its quality.

Automation can be used differently in a DevOps environment. You can automate the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC), from writing code to deploying it. You can also automate your infrastructure with tools like Puppet and Chef, which help you manage your servers more easily.

Many new DevOps automation solutions will spring up in the future, aiming to simplify and facilitate the SDLC.

Trend #2. DevSecOps

DevSecOps is an extension of DevOps that focuses on security throughout the entire application lifecycle. It includes integrating security into every stage of development — from design to build and testing — and ensuring that security remains part of ongoing maintenance activities after deployment.

It’s important to note that DevSecOps isn’t a tool or a technology, but rather a set of processes, policies, and procedures that help software development teams build secure applications from the ground up.

DevSecOps will gain particular attention in 2023 since software security is already a vital requirement for most software systems.

Gene Kim, the author of the globally-known book The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, stresses that DevSecOps isn’t just about automating security tests or using tools like vulnerability scanners — it’s about changing your culture so that security is an integral part of every software project from day one.

Trend #3. GitOps

GitOps is a way to manage software deployments and infrastructure changes in a git repository. It uses the same version control system that developers use for tracking code. In this way, GitOps allows developers to prepare their code for production before it’s ever deployed.

GitOps is ideal for teams who want more flexibility when it comes to managing their applications. If you’re working on a microservices architecture with containers or Docker, then GitOps will help you achieve agility through automation and improved collaboration between developers and operations teams.

Trend #4. Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a container orchestration engine developed by Google, which ensures that you can easily deploy, manage, and scale your containerized applications. It’s important to note that Kubernetes doesn’t run containers directly. Instead, it manages a cluster of machines that run containers.

A key aspect of Kubernetes is its ability to scale automatically in response to demand, which means you can increase or decrease capacity with minimal effort. This makes Kubernetes very useful in situations when you need to support sudden spikes in traffic, for instance during the holiday season when many people visit the site at once.

Overall, it’s clear why Kubernetes will have a significant impact on DevOps and IT operations in general. Creating and launching new applications can become much quicker thanks to automation tools in the Kubernetes environment.

Trend #5. Multi-cloud deployment

Multi-cloud deployment implied using several cloud providers for diverse parts of your software and infrastructure. This can help improve your application performance, significantly reduce costs as well as increase flexibility and agility. This trend is especially beneficial for businesses seeking to take advantage of the benefits that diverse cloud providers offer.

Although many companies are still debating where to deploy their applications, the push to do so on a multi-cloud platform has already begun. This practice is already widespread in other industries, and once it gains more ground in enterprise computing, it’s bound to revolutionize the overall way that developers approach building, testing, and maintaining applications for cloud usage.

New approaches to DevOps are being elaborated every day and the future is definitely bright for this field. So now, more than ever, we need to keep an eye on emerging trends that have already gone mainstream. Successful companies will be those that adapt their strategies to best suit these changes.

As DevOps continues to mature, we’re likely to see even more growth in the number of tools being built for the platform. And that’s great news for everyone involved. Whether you’re a developer, a system administrator, or a business owner, DevOps will help your company collaborate effectively. From streamlining deployment methods to simplifying automation and monitoring, the benefits of adopting DevOps — and sticking with it — will continue to pile up in the coming years.

About the Author

Eisele Candace has 7 years of experience as a freelance technical writer, specializing in content related to IT technologies, programming and UI/UX design. Holder of a Master’s degree in Journalism and Public Relations. She also completed design and programming courses in “UI / UX design”, iOS and Python in Mansfield, OH. She has been already learning Rust programming language for a year.

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