Best practices in building the optimal storage platform for big data

As you know, interest in big data stems from widespread enthusiasm for its potential applications. Is your organization planning to launch new products and services based on client insight using big data analytics? Are you challenged with the ever-growing volume of unstructured data coming at you? If so, attend this webinar and learn how to move from a world where decisions aren’t made by the highest ranked person in the room, but instead by the most accurate data about your business. For many, this objectivity requires both cultural and technological changes. Clients are discovering the advantages of a shared storage strategy for analytics. What was once considered “extreme” performance and scalability, targeted to the world of high-performance computing (HPC), is now becoming mainstream for big data analytics. Join this webcast and hear from an industry expert analyst about how customers are increasing performance and scalability with IBM Spectrum Storage. Join ESG and IBM and learn: · Which criteria are most important for selecting big data storage to optimize performance, cost and growth · How to architect the best storage strategy including access and management of unstructured data; · How to managestored data at massive scale to achieve your business goals; · How to take best advantage of storage technologies developed for HPC to accelerateinsights from your analytics applications
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