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Business Management Tips: The Importance Of Good IT Infrastructure

August 23, 2021 No Comments

by Arthur Brown

A business’s success is determined by several factors including leadership, marketing, and operations. Those are usually the first things that come to mind. Yet, what most people don’t think of right away, even though they should, is the business’s IT infrastructure. In our technology-driven world, IT is baked into everything. Since it’s a major part of how we live and work, mastering it is essential to a business’s survival. How you implement IT is critical to the business’s security, growth, and scalability. To help you prepare your business for success, here are some tips on the importance of good IT infrastructure.


Establishes Robust Security

You can lock your doors, hide your computers, and cage your mice, but it won’t be enough to prevent all the threats your business faces. As technology improves, criminal activities improve with it. Thus, traditional methods alone won’t safeguard your business. Having a good IT infrastructure provides you with solid security frameworks to prevent major breaches, leaks, and cyber attacks.

In 2019, it was reported that 63% of small and medium-sized businesses were victims of at least one security breach. Imagine the impact that had on them. Most security breaches don’t only take proprietary information, but also clients’ data. Businesses can arm themselves against this by implementing information security measures that protect their network. This includes access control protocols, a secure password management system, and network security software.

Having a dedicated cybersecurity professional or department also helps protect your business. They can conduct network vulnerability assessments, find potential exploits, and work with you to patch them up or reinforce your security. Most security professionals will also recommend using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to secure incoming and outgoing data, as it encrypts all transmissions.

Aids Efficiency and Productivity

Any business that uses IT knows how terrible it is to have downtime. When an IT process breaks or doesn’t work right, everything that depends on it comes to a halt. That’s doom for any business’s productivity. If you don’t have an IT department, having a local IT firm you can rely on would be beneficial. If you’re in California, partnering with an IT business in Los Angeles can save you from extended downtimes. These firms typically have experts on call who can quickly respond to your requests. Having a streamlined IT infrastructure will also help decrease the frequency of these downtimes.

Additionally, a good IT infrastructure enables your business to operate more efficiently. Once designed well, it plays an important role in connecting departments, facilitating collaborations, and executing business changes. You want these to be seamless processes so that the efficiency and productivity of your operations are always optimal.

Facilitates Growth & Scalability

How quickly or steadily a business grows is usually an indicator of its current and future success. For a long time, businesses viewed their network as a fixture that could be left as is after implementation. Now they are coming to realize that it is alive and adaptable. Networks need to be upgraded as technology evolves. As your business adopts these upgrades, you can leverage the new features to grow.

Based on your current infrastructure, it might be either easy or difficult to facilitate this growth and scale your business. By embracing software-defined networking (SDN), it will be easy for you to scale your processes. Software updates can be sent out silently without disrupting users and stopping vital operations; a far cry from the clunkiness of traditional methods.

Your growth will also be dependent on how your infrastructure is designed to handle software management. Most businesses settle with the software they have without ever updating or replacing them. This can seriously cripple the potential of your business. Ensure that your IT department or professional keeps you up-to-date on software that can help improve your operations. This includes updates for current software, alternatives that have better features, and new software that can help you exploit opportunities in the market.


In this digital age, a good IT infrastructure is important to your business’s success. As technology improves, the ways to use it maliciously become an increasing threat to businesses. A solid IT infrastructure will help you prepare for and defend against security breaches, cyberattacks, and data theft. It also increases productivity by streamlining communication, collaboration, and the execution of organizational changes. Increased efficiency and productivity eventually translates to growth. Your IT infrastructure will determine how quickly and how much you grow. You need to have scalable systems that adapt to evolving technology. From there, you can leverage new features and propel your success.

About the Author

Arthur Brown – A dad of 3 kids and is a keen writer covering a range of topics such as Internet marketing, SEO and more! When not writing, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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