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Companies Are Leveraging These Top Technologies Today

April 20, 2022 No Comments

Featured article by Rob Teitelman

virtual glassesCredit: ThisIsEngineering via Pexels

Rapid advancements in technology are enhancing how companies operate. Leading businesses are enhancing workflow, research, customer service, cybersecurity, and more with these new tools. Let’s learn what some of them are.

Cloud Computing

In short, cloud computing refers to operations on remote computers rather than local ones. With help from a leading IT solutions provider company —businesses are shifting to the cloud to gain some key advantages:

– Always-on networks
– Lower hardware maintenance and upgrade costs
– Smaller energy bills
– Better remote access
– Top cybersecurity
– Greater flexibility
– Speed to market
– Creativity boost

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In broad terms, AI refers to the ability of computers to do tasks usually done by human beings, but better. There are two types of AI applications in businesses today. Reactive machines is a purely reactive type of AI that allows computers to react quickly based on programming. Limited memory is like reactive machines but also carries a memory core for basic learning. Self-driving cars from Tesla use both reactive machines and limited memory to keep drivers and pedestrians safe.

Modern cybersecurity tools use AI to identify threatening patterns in seemingly harmless programs like metamorphic malware. This type of malware changes its code to avoid detection. However, AI-powered security tools can stop this sneaky malware.

Machine Learning (ML)

Machine learning is a subset of AI that can learn and adapt to new data without explicit programming or human intervention. A basic example of ML’s application is a voice assistant program from Google, Amazon, or Microsoft that uses the technology to improve based on previous patterns.

Deep Learning

Deep learning (DL) is a powerful subset of ML. It’s essentially a multilayered neural network that learns from Big Data.

Big Data

Big Data sets are so large and complex that they can’t be processed by traditional means. They’re important because they offer enormous statistical value. Companies may use DL to crunch Big Data to gain critical insights. A real estate investment company, for example, may learn what neighborhoods are going to rise in value by utilizing data analytics tools that analyze Big Data. Likewise, an insurance company may use Big Data to mitigate the risk of fraud by recognizing concerning patterns in key demographics.

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR is a simulated experience that appears different than the actual world to a user. To experience virtual reality, a user must wear a special headset.

Many businesses started offering VR tours to market their services. For example, hospitality companies offer virtual tours to guests to entice them to visit. Similarly, many car dealerships enhance the online car-buying experience with VR-fueled showrooms.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Like VR, AR is a virtual interactive experience. The difference is that AR enhances the real world instead of replacing it. Interestingly, AR shot to popularity with the release of the AR mobile game Pokémon Go. Smartphone market penetration is so high, that users can easily use devices they already own to enjoy AR.

Other companies using AR include IKEA. The furniture company allows shoppers to virtually place furniture in their homes to help visualize how products will look.

Social Media

Countless companies leverage popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to market products to their target audience in non-intrusive ways. Also known as experiential marketing, this method cost-effectively uses social media to connect with people through GIFs, memes, puzzles, etc.

Organizations leveraging the latest technological trends improve efficiencies and productivity and boost their key performance indicators in fascinating ways.

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