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Here’s Why Your Business Needs an LMS

March 3, 2021 No Comments

Featured article by Allen Brown, Independent Technology Author


Businesses are always seeking new innovations to help drive their companies forward. Thanks to the continuous advancement in technology, there is no shortage of options available.

One exciting development is the rise in popularity of Learning Management Systems (LMS). Many large companies have adopted them with great success. Small to medium-sized businesses stand to benefit too. This article has been written to explain the benefits of using such technology, and to demonstrate how it could benefit your business.

It Makes Training More Accessible

If several employees need to attend a course, it can be tricky finding a time when everyone is available. Trainers and meeting rooms have to be booked, and if anyone goes off sick it can be problematic. When the training material is uploaded to a LMS, it can be accessed at any time. People can learn at their own pace and do so whenever they have the free time.

It’s possible to access helpful resources online. If you are researching elearning platforms for your businessit’s possible to read product reviews and to buy course software over the internet. People can also learn about the evolution of online education, and discover how to create online courses that sell.

These days there is much talk of smart offices. More and more work functions can be performed using different devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones. This means that a lot of potentially unproductive time can be redeemed, such as during business trips. Employees can access their LMS whilst staying in a hotel or sitting in a taxi on the way to the airport.

It Saves Money

When people can access their LMS anywhere, there are less needs for designated training rooms and trainers.

Imagine a scenario where 200 staff no longer need to travel to a physical location for training. This could save on travel and accommodations costs (including rooms and food) for those who would normally stay overnight.

It’s Easier To Oversee

Managers can access Learning Management Systems to gain a host of helpful data. They can find out who’s taken the courses. They’ll be able to find out if someone is halfway through a module, and what were any test results. Managers can use the data to identify the training and development needs of their staff, and this can be fed into their appraisal objectives.

When the information is held on a LMS, it will be easier to gain accurate reports. This is because there will be less manual input, thus reducing the margin for error.

It’s Ideal For Onboarding

Many companies have induction courses for new staff. They are an opportunity for people to get to know one another. The trainees can learn about the company’s objectives and culture. Aspects of legal compliance and health and safety can also be covered. Should a business fall short in such areas, there could be penalties and other adverse consequences.

Companies can upload Word documents, PDFs, and video content onto their LMS. A complete training package can be created for the new recruits. This will remove the risk of something being missed from a session, or of people being told different things on different courses.

If the trainees are learning a new computer system, they can harness a simulated version within the LMS. This will mean they can safely learn without compromising the real company data. The videos can be interactive to maximize staff engagement.

234It Can Be Adapted

If a company is a specialist in its field, it may be able to sell some of its courses externally. The material on the LMS could be amended for uploading onto the internet. Other companies would then pay subscriptions, enabling them to draw on the company’s experience and expertise.

It may be that an entire company needs training on a specific subject. Once again, the material on the LMS could be adapted. The managers could receive a higher level version, whilst the other employees learn more of the practical aspects of the subject.

It Can Stay Up To Date

Every time there is a change in policy or practice, the LMS data can be changed. This means no one will ever be trained using out-of-date information. If someone needs a refresher course, they can simply redo the modules. If anything has changed this will be reflected in the current material.

A LMS is a powerful tool for harnessing training information. The data can be modified as required, and accessed on different devices. Both now and in the future, many more businesses will be reaping the benefits of such systems.



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