Secure Hybrid Cloud Connectivity with IBM Bluemix and z Systems
In demand-intensive mobile and web applications, an emerging pattern is to host the Systems of Engagement in the cloud (for maximum responsiveness) but keep the Systems of Record with the other important business systems in the company datacenter, often on a tightly-secured mainframe. But what about the space in between?
In this IBM Redpaper publication, we show that the IBM Bluemix cloud platform offers technologies that make it easy for cloud-based SoEs to securely connect to on-premises IBM mainframes, creating a fully secure, end-to-end, SoE-SoR environment.
In this IBM Redpaper publication, we show that the IBM Bluemix cloud platform offers technologies that make it easy for cloud-based SoEs to securely connect to on-premises IBM mainframes, creating a fully secure, end-to-end, SoE-SoR environment.