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Strategies for Staying Safe When Using Technology in Your Everyday Life

May 23, 2022 No Comments

Featured article by Kelly Baker

The internet has made it possible to connect with people worldwide, and technology has made our lives easier in so many ways. However, it is necessary to remember that technology can also be a source of danger and harm. You can do a few simple things to stay safe when using technologies such as social media and online shopping platforms.

1. Always keep your personal information private: Whether you’re posting on social media or filling out an online form, make sure that any information you share is kept confidential and protected from hackers or other malicious users. This means using strong passwords and not sharing them with anyone and being careful about what personal information you share online.

2. Use secure websites and apps: When entering sensitive information such as your credit card number or home address, ensure that the website or app you’re using is safe. This means that it should have https:// in the URL and a lock icon in the address bar, indicating that the site is encrypted and your information is safe. After all, you don’t have a hacker hacking scammer in your back pocket looking out for you, right?

3. Monitor your accounts regularly: It’s crucial to stay on top of your online accounts, primarily if you use them for business purposes. This means checking your account periodically and reporting any suspicious activity right away to catch any potential problems early on.

4. Keep your software and security up to date: One of the best ways to protect yourself from online threats is to ensure that your computer’s security software is updated. This includes your antivirus, firewall, and anti-spyware programs. You should also keep your operating system and any other software you use up to date, as new versions often include security fixes for known vulnerabilities.

5. Be careful about what you download: Be very careful about what files you download from the internet, as they could contain viruses or other malicious software. Only download files from trusted sources, and make sure to scan them with your security software before opening them.

6. Beware of phishing scams: Scammers will often try to trick you into revealing your personal information through phishing emails or fake websites. Be careful and don’t respond to any emails that ask for your details, and report any suspicious messages to your service provider immediately.

7. Be aware of your surroundings: When using technology in public, be mindful of your surroundings and keep your belongings close to you. This will help you avoid becoming a victim of crime and protect your personal information if your device is lost or stolen, as you can quickly report it to the authorities.

8. Stay safe on social media: Social media can be a fantastic way to connect with friends and family, but it’s important to remember that there are also many dangers. Don’t post anything too personal online, and keep your account settings private so that only the people you authorize can view your profile, posts, and photos. Also, be aware of the types of information you share, as identity thieves can use this to their advantage.

9. Be wary of strangers: Even though the internet can often feel like a safe, anonymous space, it’s still possible to meet dangerous and harmful people. Never give out your details to someone you don’t know, and be very careful when meeting up with people you’ve met online. Always tell someone where you’re going and when you’ll be back, and meet in a public place for your safety.

10. Get help when needed: If you’re concerned about your safety or the safety of someone you know, it’s essential to reach out for help. Many great resources are available online, such as the National Cyber Security Alliance, which can help you stay safe and secure when using technology. Never hesitate to talk to a trusted adult if you feel scared or vulnerable, and be sure to report any instances of cyberbullying or other online abuse.

By following these simple strategies, you can stay safe and secure online no matter your circumstances. You can enjoy all of the wonderful benefits technology offers without putting yourself at risk by taking the necessary precautions.


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