Companies Turn to GitHub to Find Tech Talent
August 17, 2012 No CommentsSOURCE:
LinkedIn is so 2011.
In the red-hot market for skilled software engineers, companies looking to make great hires are discovering that relying on traditional services that showcase candidates’ work histories — but not their actual work — is a great way to miss out on the best available talent.
These days, there’s a new game in town — GitHub, a place where hiring managers and recruiters alike are increasingly turning to find not just the potential employees who look best on paper, but the ones that actively (and publicly) demonstrate their capabilities.
Last month, Andreessen Horowitz, one of the hottest venture capital firms in Silicon Valley, put $100 million — its largest-ever investment — into GitHub, a company built to facilitate the organization of open-source projects, and that makes money by selling licenses to commercial and corporate users.