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10 Tips To Help Employees Feel More Confident At Work

December 19, 2022 No Comments

Article by Stephen McKenna

Human capital is one of the largest investments that companies make. It only makes sense to nurture employees and provide an environment that fosters success. Boosting worker confidence is an effective way to make employees feel empowered, leading to better productivity and improved workplace satisfaction.

If your employees are unengaged, it is usually reflected in their productivity levels. This can mean anything from increased absences to submitting less than ideal work products. No one wants to have a team of uninspired and below-average staff. Thus, one way to correct or avoid this unwanted situation is to boost employee confidence.

How to Boost Employee Confidence in the Workplace: 10 Tips

1. Set workers up for success – it’s amazing how often companies undermine their employees. One example is not providing adequate training. Another is unclear job descriptions. When people know exactly what is expected of them and have the tools to meet those expectations, they are more likely to thrive. Quarterly training sessions are an effective way to keep staff members engaged and learning. Knowing that their bosses want them to succeed can transform an average employee into a superstar. Confidence in their ability to get the job done right stems from knowing what the job is!

2. Establish a mentoring program – more experienced employees are well-equipped to help their newer counterparts. Confidence is a lot easier to come by when there is a trustworthy individual helping someone navigate the corporate culture. While loose mentoring relationships are great, an established program is much more effective. As part of the onboarding process, new employees should be paired with an individual with more experience who can help them flourish in their new position.

3. Respect their privacy, especially when it comes to medical issues – with the increase in the number of firms that are relying on technology such as telehealth services, employee privacy is more important than ever. For example, MMJ patients who are prescribed this medication may feel nervous about disclosing this information. Any type of health issue, including mental health ailments like anxiety and depression, should be kept private. Betraying an employee’s trust is a sure way to kill their confidence. All employees should feel confident in knowing that any medical information that they share will be kept private.

4. Keep a close eye out for bullying and mistreatment, whether in the workplace or online such as social media. A zero-tolerance policy for this type of toxic behavior will do a lot to help employees feel more confident. Certain personalities just don’t mesh, and when a bully is allowed to act without consequences, everyone suffers. Human resources should have a clear anti-bullying policy in place that is widely distributed and enforced. Any reported instances should be considered a serious matter and acted on swiftly. 

5. Educate employees on corporate culture – starting a new job can be a stressful situation, even for the most confident worker. Including a module on the firm’s corporate culture during new employee orientation is an effective way to introduce new staff members to the firm’s culture. Understanding the cultural expectations within the workplace can go a long way toward helping employees feel confident. Without this knowledge, they may feel like a fish out of water and could decide that the job isn’t right for them. This can lead to excessive and unnecessary staff turnover.

6. Create an information management system that works – a significant contributor to a lack of confidence among employees is siloing. When everyone feels like they are off on their own and are unsure about how their work fits into the overall workflow of the company, it’s easy to get discouraged. Central data management systems are an effective way to help everyone feel like they are in the loop. Knowing how to find the information necessary to complete their job properly will go a long way toward helping an employee feel like part of the team.

7. Minimize “face time” requirements – too many companies rely on face time as a measure of employee dedication. True engagement does not have to equal time spent in the office. In fact, when employees feel that they are trusted to get their work completed properly, they are more likely to feel fully engaged and dedicated to their positions.

8. Celebrate the wins, even the little ones – too often, members feel like the only time they get any recognition is when their boss has a problem with their performance. By celebrating positive achievements as they occur, employees will develop a lot more confidence and seek out that recognition more often. Company-wide emails that celebrate milestones and achievements within the firm are a great motivational tool. This makes employees feel like their efforts are being noticed in a positive way and will encourage them to strive for greater goals.

9. Foster an environment of good communication – so many employment issues can be avoided when there is an environment that encourages clear communication. When an worker knows that they are able to speak up, they will feel a lot more empowered in their positions. And, empowered and appreciated employees are more productive employees.

10. Set out clear upward paths – a lot of confidence is gained when there is a clear upward path toward promotion. Providing clear, attainable goals during performance reviews is a great way to increase a worker’s confidence. Everyone is willing to work a bit harder when they know that their efforts will help them to advance. The necessary behaviors and improvements needed for promotion and career development should not be a mystery.

When it comes to creating an environment where employees feel confident, it’s important to be proactive. It’s not enough to talk a good game, you’ll also need to walk the walk. Implementing a few of these tips can help to create a corporate culture in which employees feel confident. Confident employees are more likely to be more engaged and productive, making it a situation in which everyone wins.

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