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5 Essentials of Good Brand Protection Online

August 9, 2021 No Comments

Featured article by Adam Dubois, Independent Technology Author


Creating a brand and getting it to succeed has never been an easy thing. You will have to put in a lot of effort to ensure the success of your business, but that’s not everything. Once you have succeeded or even when you are on the track towards success there will be a lot of challenges to overcome, and one of them is protecting your brand effectively.

Failure to protect your brand effectively can lead to unexpected frustrations and major losses depending on the kind of threat that your business is facing. Of course, there is only so much you can do to prevent someone from monetizing your ideas in a competitive way – but that’s not what brand protection is all about.

When we talk about protecting your brand, we are simply thinking in the lines of someone trying to present their mediocre products as your own. This can ruin your brand’s reputation, especially if the products land in the hand of first-time consumers or consumers who don’t know much about your business.

Brand reputation management is one of the more modern ways to protect your brand online. Proxies have been used extensively for this since they can let you keep an eye on any fraudsters looking to profit off of your brand. If you want to learn more about proxies, you can visit proxy enthusiasts at Proxyway for more information.

In that light then, what are some of the actions that you can take to protect your brand effectively? What measures can you put in place to ensure that your brand’s reputation is not ruined? Read on to find out.

1. Register your Intellectual Property

Unlike the good olden days when not so many people knew about Intellectual Property and Copyrighting, the topic has become more widespread, making it easier for business owners to protect their brands. The enforcement of copyright laws varies from country to country, but as long as you enforce your IP rights, it will be easier to protect your brand from impostors looking to take advantage of your brand’s success.

Even at times when you feel like authorities are not doing much to enforce copyright claims, it is still important that you exercise your Intellectual Property rights with the aim of sending a message to impostors. If impersonators see that you are willing to take action against anyone who is trying to infringe your copyright, they will be discouraged to take advantage of your brand’s success.

2. Use your customers as watchdogs

As long as your brand is successful, there will always be fraudsters looking to take advantage. You can turn your customers into watchdogs by enlightening them about the most unique features that identify your brand. That way, it will be easier for them to identify a fake when they see it. As long as your customers are able to steer clear of fakes, the imitators will lack a ready market to sell their products, and will eventually back off.

3. Establish a minimum price plan

The most unique selling points that impostor brands use are low prices. That’s in consideration that the majority of prospective buyers will be attracted to products that are more affordable. The difference between successful brands and impostors is that a real brand will establish a minimum price for their products because they know what it takes to create their brand.

Impostors, on the other hand, can set their prices at a lower price simply because they don’t invest a lot in creating their products. Setting a minimum price for your products can allow you to push away fraudsters since they haven’t met the quality standards for pricing their products the same as yours. If your customers come across a fake product that is priced ridiculously low, they will more than likely know that it’s a fake.

4. Work with trusted dealers

Having authorized dealers and retailers to sell your products eliminates the probability of your customers and fans being tricked into buying imitated products. Besides, failure to have trusted dealers means that your clients will not know where to go when looking for your products.

Once you make it clear to your customers that they can only source your products from certain dealers or from your directly, it becomes easier to tackle scams surrounding your brand. If someone tries to tarnish your brand’s name despite not buying from your authorized dealers, you can highlight the fact that they should have visited an authorized retailer.

5. Stay ahead of your imitators

In business, it’s always advisable to stay ahead of the competition, whether or not you are competing with legit competitors. When it comes to stopping impersonators dead in their tracks, you will want to keep an eye on what they are doing so that you can anticipate their next move.

By anticipating what your imitators will do next, it becomes easier to change some details of your products so that they become more distinctive and less prone to forging.

In summary

It’s important to take the necessary steps to protect your brand from parties that are after taking advantage. By implementing the tips mentioned in this article, you can avoid a situation where other people try to make their profits from your hard work.


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