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8 Promising IT Professions In 2022

June 10, 2021 No Comments

Featured article by Roberto Enrique


So, it is necessary to adapt to the changing labor market, especially for those students who are just defining their future profession. We have prepared a list of the top IT professions that are in demand in 2022. If you doubt your abilities and are afraid of not keeping up with the fast academic schedule, you can always use the programming homework help – feel free to go to the college of your dreams!

Mobile Application Developer

Almost every mobile development study confirms that this area will grow even more actively in the future. Under these circumstances, the role of mobile application developers will undoubtedly increase even though today there is such a high demand for specialists in this area that the supply on the labor market cannot cover the entire demand for mobile developers. Of course, it is worth considering that such a demand cannot but influence the growth of wages. That is why software developers are highly demanded and one of the most highly paid jobs.

Solar & Wind Power Engineer

With the growing attention to climate change and the popularity of alternative types of energy, it became obvious that competent specialists in this area are needed. Therefore, today the most convenient situation has developed for those specialists who are not indifferent to the environment and who would like to work on complex socially-oriented projects and receive a high income at the same time.

So this is a perfect time to learn how to install, maintain, and troubleshoot alternative energy projects. Given the ever-increasing popularity of this area and a significant increase in salaries among specialists, alternative energy looks like an extremely promising industry for study.

Information Security Expert

Today, there is an increasing demand for security professionals – especially in government agencies and large corporations that store large amounts of confidential information. The main tasks of an information security specialist will be the need to ensure secure access to IT systems and check resources. Suppose a threat of risk arises or a vulnerability is discovered. In that case, the priority of such a specialist will be to eliminate any weak points in the system possible and restore a sufficient level of data security.

Software Developer

This profession was, is, and will be associated with developing the world of technology, including the significant interest in innovations in cloud technologies and the Internet of things. Therefore, there will be a growing need for specialists with sufficient technical skills to make discoveries and develop promising technology industries.

A separate field in this industry is computer video game developers. Video games have made great contributions to the entertainment industry, and so far the gaming industry shows no signs of slowing down. The reason probably lies in the fact that everyone plays games, regardless of gender or age. So today, video game companies have become very influential players in the technology sector.

Data Analyst Expert

Due to the increase in the volume of information, there is an acute shortage of data analysts in the market. In addition, the trend is gaining momentum to measure and track everything possible, and all these collected data sets require prompt and continuous processing.

Even though a computer can perform complex mathematical calculations many times faster and more efficiently, the system is still incapable of such a comprehensive and in-depth analysis that a person does. Therefore, the ability to identify trends and carry out probabilistic forecasting will be in demand in the IT-sphere.

Computer Network Maintenance Expert

Changes have taken place not only in the field of data processing – working with networks is no less complex today. Therefore, knowledge related to the installation, commissioning, and further administration of the network does not lose its relevance.

Computer Systems Expert

A specialized specialist in this field ensures the effective operation of the computer system. In particular, this specialist assesses the need to purchase specific technical means and equipment and also monitors the development of new technologies, at the right time deciding on the need for their implementation. Therefore, this profession can be divided into three main areas: design and architecture, software quality control, and programming.

Like the position of a computer network maintenance specialist, this profession also requires the development of soft skills. A computer systems specialist needs to solve emerging problems, creativity, analytical, and communication skills. If you can also boast leadership qualities, you can count on an even higher position – computer and information systems manager. Note that this direction is the most difficult, so in case of academic problems, please contact Studybay.

Customer Service Expert

Among all the future skills, establishing communication between a computer and a person, thereby becoming an intermediary between business and technology, looks especially necessary. A support specialist does this, whose main task is to explain how to work with a computer in simple and understandable words. In addition, such a specialist provides technical assistance, solves questions of various levels of complexity arising from users, and monitors operations in the computer system.

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