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Tips to Be an Effective Project Manager

February 9, 2021 No Comments

Featured article by Rebecca Lee, Independent Technology Author

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As we all know, the field of project management is continually changing and adapting to the fast-paced world of business. 

That in mind, it can be hard to know when to adapt, alter or change your project management style entirely in order to be a better project manager. However, we are glad to say that project management, especially in the field of IT, has begun to adapt for the better. 

It’s important to understand project management as somewhat of an art as well as a science. You want to carefully curate an elegant system that works well for your specific types of projects and tasks for your team, though you also want to ensure that there is reduced stress and an environment of encouragement and optimism at all times. 

With that out of the way, we have some fantastic tips to be an effective project manager in 2021 below.

Spot Unfulfilled Potential in the Workforce 

Think about all of your team members. 

How well do you know their nuanced skills and interests?

Chances are, not all that well — unless you’ve been working with them for a very long time. That in mind, our first tip is to work to get to know your team member’s skillsets a little better and work to delegate based on two things — the ability to perform, and the ability to love to perform. 

In the field of project management, you need to always be on the lookout to strike that perfect balance between loving a project and being a little afraid of it. Find out which of your team members will excel in a specific task, though might also be a little concerned about it, and sync them up with it. 

In doing this, you’ll be able to rely on these team members to love what they’re doing, but also be able to rest assured they’re keeping themselves accountable for completing it on time.

Utilise Your Tools 

As we move into the 2020s there is more software and collaborative tools on offer than ever before — and it’s imperative to make use of these wherever possible. 

In all workplaces and during all projects, you must create an environment of productivity and efficiency. This means cutting back on meaningless chitchat inside of work hours, and ensuring that you keep your team productive. 

If you can implement a software tool that enhances collaboration without the gossip or the time-consuming chatter, then do it as soon as possible. In a lot of offices, there is the best of both worlds in that staff can communicate with one another, though all communication is kept to work and project-related information. 

That said, project management and collaborative tools should land high on your list. 

Work to Enhance Your Skills 

One thing to keep in mind in the fast-moving world of project management is that degrees can become superseded quite quickly. 

We suggest always working on your skills and pairing with educators like Monarch and you’ll be able to rest assured you have the most up to date education possible. This means you can rely on your own knowledge to get the best result and improve your project management skills. 

It’s best to routinely take refresher courses when you can and work to develop your skills in line with what the industry is doing and you’ll be able to keep your business competitive in just about any landscape.

Be Realistic and Optimistic 

In the past, it was common for project managers to push their teams like there was no tomorrow. Harsh deadlines, overbearing management styles and a routine push for more and more was the standard — though not anymore. 

In today’s world of business, realistic deadlines and relentless optimism are imperative to keeping your workforce engaged and motivated to succeed in meeting their deadlines. 

When tasks have a realistic deadline, our team members are more likely to have a ‘can do’ attitude and work toward completion. When deadlines and expectations are out of whack, there comes the ‘I can’t do this,’ mentality which is a major drag on efficiency but also the entire workforce. 

That in mind, keeping an optimistic outlook and showing relentless respect for your employees or a project’s team is essential here.

Routinely Evaluate Performance 

To end our list of tips, it’s a good idea to be monitoring projects as you go along. 

Typically, as a project manager, you’ll be analyzing the project once completed, however, we suggest doing this as you go along too. You’ll be able to better keep an eye on effectiveness and also be able to work on notifying your team as early as possible if you think they’re not going to make a deadline. 

It’s also better to be aware of potential issues, like missed deadlines, as early as possible and so evaluating workforce performance and deadlines on a weekly basis is a good place to start. 

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