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Top Tips to Protect Company Data

March 18, 2021 No Comments

Featured article by Susan Melony, Independent Technology Author

Hands typing laptop keyboard.Technology Communication gadget device.

It doesn’t matter what sort of industry you’re operating in, your company has to generate and store certain kinds of data, from customer files to supplier invoices and so on. Digital technology can help with this in a big way, replacing the paper systems of the past, but It can also pose a lot of risks and threats to your files and sensitive information too.

We’ve seen a lot of major data breaches and leaks in recent years, with even some of the biggest brands on the planet being affected, and there are so many ways in which data can inadvertently fall into the wrong hands or even accidentally get deleted. This is why it’s vital for every business to invest in proper data protection, and this guide will show you how.

The Cloud

The cloud has changed the digital landscape for businesses and individuals across the globe, and it can make a real difference for your company too, offering perhaps the perfect data protection solution for businesses great and small.

When you use the cloud, you don’t have to rely on physical hardware or worry about physical breakdowns or faults that could jeopardize the safety of your files; everything is stored in a digital space, easily attainable from any location, but also highly protected with strong security.

Anti-Malware Solutions

Cyber-crime is on the rise, with millions of attacks taking place all the time and malicious cyber-criminals inventing all kinds of viruses and malware in order to strike their targets, infect devices, and steal data that doesn’t belong to them.

It’s imperative for any company wanting to be taken seriously to invest in reliable security software which can battle back against malware and protect the company networks. The strongest anti-virus offerings can come with a range of additional features too, like web and email protection.

Consider A VPN

A virtual private network (VPN) is another possible security and data protection solution you might be considering to help protect your business, and VPNs can work wonders in terms of keeping companies safe, especially when remote workers are involved in day-to-day operations.

In the office, your devices might be secure enough on their own, but out and about, workers can sometimes connect to unreliable networks in public places like airports and hotels. Here, they can be targeted by hackers more easily, but a VPN helps to encrypt their connections and mask their IP addresses.

Stronger Passwords

Passwords are one of the simplest forms of internet security, but they’re also one of the most important, and just one weak password can put an entire company and all of its data at risk. So, as well as having strong security software, you need to make sure all employees have powerful passwords too.

If a hacker gets their hands on a worker’s password, they’ll be able to bypass most, if not all of the additional digital security you have in place. Workers at all levels should therefore be instructed to follow strong password practices, and it may even be recommended to invest in password managers.

Educating the Workforce

Following on from the previous point, it’s also important to make sure that you talk to your workers about cybersecurity on a regular basis, holding meetings and classes to keep everyone up to speed on the latest practices and threats.

By telling workers about the importance of strong passwords, how to avoid phishing attacks, and so on, you’ll be strengthening your company’s entire cybersecurity strategy on a fundamental level.

Disposal of Data

There may come a time during your company’s lifecycle in which you need to get rid of some old hardware, like laptops, computers, or hard drives that may once have held sensitive company or customer files.

You can’t simply erase the files and then toss these computers and pieces of equipment away, as it could be possible for them to fall into the wrong hands, where the data might be recoverable. You’ll need to work with data disposal experts to avoid any risks.


Digital security has come a long way in recent years as cybersecurity specialists attempt to keep up with the ever-evolving methods of hackers, and it’s absolutely vital for companies of all sizes to take this subject seriously. You can’t run the risk of allowing customer data or important company files to be stolen or leaked, as a single breach can lead to millions of dollars in losses and threaten the very future of your brand. Use these methods to strengthen your data protection strategy.

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