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7 Marketing Strategies You Do Not Want To Miss

January 29, 2018 No Comments

Featured article by Jessica Anderson, Cybersecurity Enthusiast

Do you find yourself struggling with what methods to use for your advertising budget? So, who said you have to choose? Did you know you are missing out on earning more ROI if you only market online? If this is your struggle, you will not want to miss the seven offline marketing strategies listed below?

It is simple to believe results through innovation can only take place in the digital world. However, there are several phenomenal marketing and advertising tactics that happen in the physical world.

The most successful marketing strategies will utilize a combination of digital elements and offline marketing to ensure you get coverage from each touchpoint for your brand.

Offline marketing is an excellent choice for any size business with a local customer base. However, it is entirely impossible to find any global brand that is successful that excludes physical media to promote awareness and drive leads or sales.

The content of this blog is as follows:

* Start with your staff
* Put your business cards to use
* Participate in trade shows
* Capitalize on branded merchandise
* Sponsor a team or community event
* Provide plenty of cool prizes
* Good ole fashion snail mail
* Make cold calls

Bradley shaw from illustrated these following seven game-changing offline marketing strategies that will help promote awareness of your brand.

1. Start with Your Staff

How often do you check to see if your staff actually interacts with your customer? Can you remember the last time you paid close attention to see how they communicate with your customers as well as the impression they gave?

Honestly, there are no more significant ways to provide a fantastic impression than with a well-presented staff that has a pleasant attitude. This logic is especially true if your team can take care of the customer’s request face-to-face. Crafting stellar marketing strategies is crucial to your business growth, but don’t forget the operational side of things. If you’re operating in the Empire State and want to solidify your legal standing, consider forming an LLC. For guidance, familiarize yourself with LLC filing New York processes. Establishing an LLC strengthens your business structure and provides potential tax advantages, creating a robust platform for your marketing efforts.

When you offer face-to-face or even a real voice on a customer service call, you are letting your customers know their worth. Also, providing a live person and not a voice mail system to help them with their dilemma speaks volumes.

However, if you have employees that are driving business away due to their attitude you need to know so you can act appropriately. Watch your staff as much as possible to ensure they are making the customers feel appreciated. Your staff can make or break you as a business owner.

2. Put Your Business Cards to Use

If you are using business cards at all you probably still have the ones you make for yourself. Alternately, you ordered the cheapest available just to have some handy. Well, now is not the time to pinch pennies for business cards.

It is worth the investment to have a quality business card not just for you but all your staff. Here is the tough part make sure everyone puts the cards to good use. Keep your cards handy for those time when you will need to share your knowledge or details.

Business cards are probably the lowest cost effective marketing you can do other than cold calls. A business card can be stapled to a flyer, put on doors, mailed out with letters, etc. It is time to put those business cards to use.

3. Participate in Trade Shows

Trade shows place you in the same area as the competition. You can take this opportunity to study their pitch, check out their game and their marketing materials. Also, you can get a real understanding of their strategy.

Trade shows are also excellent opportunities to market your company and showcase your product. Use this time to search for opportunities for growth through networking.

3. Capitalize on Branded Merchandise

After every promotion and events, most companies go back with bags filled with brand merchandise. For situations such as this, you should plan ahead to donate all those extra mouse pads, bookmarks, and pens to a variety of local charities and organizations.

By sharing your brand, you never know who will see your name and have a light bulb moment to contact you to solve their issues. Use yourself as an example. How many times do you see a magnet on your refrigerated that you got from that business? See how well that works?

4. Sponsor a Team or Community Even

Becoming a sponsor, if finances allow, is a phenomenal method of marketing. You can spread your company name far and wide by becoming a team sponsor. Every softball, baseball, and kids hockey teams are always pounding the pavements in the hope of finding sponsorship.

This year, be their hero and yours as well. It is a win-win situation for all parties involved. When you are the sponsor, you get to pass out the brand items mentioned above. You are building a positive brand image while gaining community respect.

5. Provide Plenty of Cool Prizes

Do you ever notice how people at parades act when they know the ones in the parade will toss prizes?Moreover, it really doesn’t matter what the giveaway is as long as they get something. That is because prizes and competitions are majorly popular in offline and digital marketing.

You will find that offering a few smaller value prizes works better than being entered in the contest for “one large pizza.”The reason for this is you are making the individual believe they are getting a better deal. Simple “mind-over-matter.”

6. Good Ole Fashion Snail Mail

Yes, snail-mail advertising still exists. However, there is a significant amount of potential customers that prefer to get all mail, including sales stuff, in their real mailbox. Even in the age of digital marketing, do no mark mailing market brochures to people within your district off the list.

The only downside to snail mail is the cost. It is a bit more expensive to send out marketing campaign material through the real mail. However, beings more and more businesses are switching to digital marketing, you will stand out in the competition.

So, take the more personal touch and mail out those coupons and see who wins.

7. Make Cold Calls

Put a list together of possible customers and call them up. Well, first establish a cold-calling strategy, then call them up. You must take into consideration of each customer’s needs and best times while making your list and tailor the conversation to them.

Even though this strategy is primarily a sales move, making cold calls help build reports with other businesses. It is a fantastic measure to gain some new customers while establishing collaborative relationships.


The good news is, there should be no reason to have to choose between digital marketing and offline marketing strategies. Neither can take the place of the other because both shows proven results.

Offline techniques are a phenomenal addition to your online marketing efforts. The reason is that offline just enhances your firm’s online marketing strategy as a whole. The combination of both can bring your marketing a full circle.

Add the two together, and you are improving your firm’s image and bringing attention to your current and future customers.

How about your company? Are you capitalizing on your business both online and offline? Are you bringing is revenue from both strategies? If your answer is no, then we need to talk. In today’s economy and the growth in digital marketing, now is the time to act.

Let us help you profit from both tactics so that you can see more ROI coming your way. You do not have to choose one over the other when you can do both. Contact us today if you are ready to increase your revenue by expanding your customer base. We are ready, are you?

Jessica Anderson is a cybersecurity enthusiast and writer who studied journalism at Rhodes University. She is working as Director of Public Relations in Phoenix NAP LLC.

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